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CAT STEVENS ALBUMS: Recent Compilation Releases
discography, album details and reviews, click on the album cover

Released May
17 & 18 2004

- Cat Stevens Boxed Set
- Released in America
- October 30, 2001
- Released in Europe
- November 26, 2001
- The Very Best Of Cat Stevens

- Released in America
- March 28, 2000
- Remember: The Ultimate Cat Stevens

- Released in Europe
- November 1999
Courtesy of Peter Noorlander
- Cat Stevens' Original Recordings:
- For discography, album details and reviews,
click on the album cover below.

- Yusuf Islam Recordings:
In Praise of
the Last Prophet
- (Yusuf Islam & Friends - includes 'Tala' al-Badru 'Alayna')
- (Yusuf Islam & Friends - includes 'The
Prayers of the
Last Prophet
- (Includes Yusuf Islams song 'If You Ask
A is For Allah
- (Yusuf Islam's Children's CD)
I Have No
Cannons That Roar
- (Mother, Father, Sister, Brother)
- (The Little Ones)
Syukur - CD
- (Seal Of The Prophet)
- (God is the Light)
Life of the
Last Prophet
(Tala'a Al-Badru 'Alayna)
- (La Ilaha Illa Allah)
- (Muhammad Al-Mustafa)
Islamic Songs
of Yusuf Islam
- (A is for Allah)
- (Afghanistan Land of Islam)
- (Turn to Allah)
- (Our Guide is the Qu'ran)

- Cat Stevens Bootlegs or Unofficial
- Live
at the Village Gaslight NYC (1970)
- French
TV Concert - France (11/70)
TV Concert (6/71)
TV Concert (1971)
Chapter 4 Live (6/21/71)
- Berkeley,
California (June 30, 1971)
- Santa
Monica, California (7/1/1971)
- NYC (1971)
- Father
& Son (1971)
Live in Toronto, Canada (1971)
- Granada TV
- Columbus,
Ohio (10/21/72)
Live in Tampa, FL (10/25/72)
Live in Cleveland, OH (10/30/72)
Live in Toronto, Canada (11/12/72)
Catnip Chicago, IL (1972)
- Hoaxer - ABC
in Concert (11/9/73)
- Boston,
Ma (4/26/74)
- Tour of the
Cat (1974)
Live in Paris, France (12/75)
Live in London, England (12/20/75)
- Live
in Rotterdam, Holland (1976 )
- Live
in Williamsburg, VA (2/22/76)
- Boston,
Ma (2/27/76)
- Stadthalle,
Vienna (5/5/76)
Year of the Child Concert - London, England
- Fan Reviews:
- Murphy Anderson - The Gaslight Village Bootleg Review
- Bruce Lawrie - Santa Monica, California, Bootleg Review
- Murphy Anderson - Alun Davies 1963 LP - Relax Your Mind
- Tarquin Budgerigar - Sydney Australia Bootleg Review