To download this
wallpaper, click on the appropriate link to open another window with the wallpaper in its
larger format. Please be aware that it may take a few minutes to download. Right click on
the picture. When the box opens, either click on 'Save picture as wallpaper' to place
it on your pc as a wallpaper or click on 'Save Picture As' to place it on your hard-drive.
From there you can place it in your screensaver.
Wallpaper 1
I originally created this
wallpaper as the Majicat-Cat fest of 2001 Cat fest t-shirt. I have decided to resurrect
it as it might make a nice wallpaper! I have affectionately titled it, 'Miles From
Nowhere', because Cat is somewhat transparent blending in with the trees and the
waterfall giving the impression he is there in spirit.
'Lord my body has been a good friend
But I won't need it when I reach the end'
'Miles From Nowhere'
Wallpaper 2
'Peace Train'
Cause out on the edge of
darkness, there rides a peace train
Oh peace train take this country, come take me home again

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