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Song Translations

There are a few  people who understand Latin, who have listened to O'Caritas and has spoken of a few discrepancies in the translation on the Album sleeve. So I went to our language expert for Majicat -  Michael Valenzuela, and asked him if he could translate both O'Caritas and Ruby Love for Majicat. This is what he has come up with. Though the meaning is the same in O'Caritas  the wording is slightly different.


Latin Translation for O'Caritas by  - Michael R Valenzuela

hunc ornatum mundi nolo perdere - (this ornament of the world I do not want to lose)
video flagrare omnia res - (I see all things burning)
audio clamare homines - (I hear people shouting)
nunc exstinguitur mundi et astrorum lumen - (now the light of the world and the stars is put out)
nunc concipitur mali hominis crimen - (now is exposed the accusation of man's evil)
tristitate et lacrimis gravis est dolor - (with sadness and tears heavy is the grief)
de terraeque maribus magnus est clamor - (from the lands and the seas great is the noise)
O caritas, o caritas nobis semper sit amor - (O caritas, o caritas, may we always have love)
nos perituri mortem salutamus - (we who are about to die salute death)
sola resurgit vita. - (only life reappears.)


Ah, this world is burning fast
Oh, the world will never last
I don't want to lost it here in my time
Give me time forever here in my time.
Translation of Latin in Catch Bull at Four album sleeve
I don't want to lose the harmony of the universe
I see all things... burning, I hear men... shouting.
Now is the light of the world and the stars going out
Now does the blame for the disaster fall upon men.
Grief is heavy with sadness and tears
Great is the noise from the earth and the seas
O love, O love be with us always.
We who will perish salute death. Life alone goes on.

I left the word "caritas" untranslated. It means "spiritual love or compassion", as opposed to the more physical variety (e.g."amor"). "Caritas" is the translation of the New Testament Greek word "agape", which has the same meaning. There are certainly  elements of classical stoicism in the text. He even paraphrases the  famous line that the Roman gladiators would say before fighting - "we  who are about to die salute you."

As for the song, I read somewhere that CS wrote the words to the song, then had someone translate the text into Latin. I noticed a few errors in the grammar, though they might be just misspellings. This is such an interesting song. It sounds like a flamenco song,  complete with hand clapping, though sung in Latin & English. Very unusual...




Greek Translation for Rubylove - by Michael Valenzuela

Who'll be my love
You'll be my love,
You'll be my sky above
Who'll be my light,
You'll be my light
You'll be my day and night
You'll be mine tonight
Sweet Ruby come back
Come back to my side
Come in the morning with the dawn
You were like a sunbeam my little Ruby
Ruby my love
You'll be my love
You'll be my sky above
Ruby my light
You'll be my light
You'll be my day and night
You'll be mine tonight


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Site Creator - Christine Chenevey   
Special Thanks To:   Jill Mallow, *Keith Balaam, George Brown, Linda Crafar, Bruce Lawrie, DJ Illingworth, Gerardo Roman, Chris & Annie Abrams, Patricia Squillari, Harry Schmieder, Sue Vukson and all who have contributed either with material or support to help make Majicat magical.
* This site is dedicated in the memory of Keith Balaam. ---<----<----@