Est. 1999

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I raise my hand and touch the wheel of change
taking time to check the dial

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Alun Davies Photographs

Here are two wonderful photographs of Cat's right hand man' Alun Davies. The first is a professional   photograph for Island Records. The second is my favorite, it shows Alun and Larry Steele just being them selves and is a wonderful photograph. I personally wish there were a few more of this candid type  snapshots  of Alun and the band.

PROALUN.JPG (16927 bytes)
Early 1970's Island Records Promo Photograph
courtesy of Jill Mallow
LARAL.JPG (27949 bytes)
Larry Steele & Alun Davies goofing off (most likely) during an early 70's tour
courtesy of Jill Mallow
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Site Creator - Christine Chenevey   
Special Thanks To:   Jill Mallow, *Keith Balaam, George Brown, Linda Crafar, Bruce Lawrie, DJ Illingworth, Gerardo Roman, Chris & Annie Abrams, Patricia Squillari, Harry Schmieder, Sue Vukson and all who have contributed either with material or support to help make Majicat magical.
* This site is dedicated in the memory of Keith Balaam. ---<----<----@