Majicat's Holiday Present:
The Unveiling of Copenhagen
Recording Session Photographs
Majicat is happy to present
these extremely unusual photographs of Cat at a recording session. They appeared in the
September 1977 issue of Muziek Parade, a Dutch publication. They seem to
have been taken during a recording session in Copenhagen, Denmark. Most
likely during the recording of Izitso and quite possibly even during the recording of the
rare jam session of Cat & Ringo Starr's 'Sink In The Can' Demo. Notice there
is also an appearance of David Gordon during these photographs and recording session.
There is a nice long article that accompanies these pictures, which once it is translated,
I will be sure to present it to you. These wonderful photographs come courtesy of Bruce

- Recording Session in Copenhagen,
- Most likely during the recording of 'IZITSO'
