Pause Fan-Club Newsletter comes courtesy of Anya McCoy,
who in 1967, became the first President of the Cat Stevens fan club in the U.S. After
writing a fan letter to Cat Stevens, she recieved a reply from Cats' cousin Helen,
asking Anya if she would like to become the US President of the Cat Fan Club. Many
years have passed since then, and she has since recently established the newsgroup
for Cat/Yusuf fans. ( in October. Please
follow these links to Anya's website for more information on the Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam
newsgroup and information on her other interests.

Cat Stevens Fan Club News Letter August
67 quarterly
- President: Cat Stevens
- Secretary: Helen Kitsos
Honorary Club Members
- Californians
- Georgie Fame
- Mamas and Papa s
- Paul and Barry Ryan
245 Shafteshury Avenue, London, WC2

London, August 67
(Thats hello in Swedish, so Ive been told)
Cat has asked me to thank
you for the birthday wishes and the beautiful cards that you sent him for the 21st
July. He also thanks those that sent gifts. I sent a telegram to a Fiesta Club, Stockton,
on the Great Day wishing Cat a " Happy Birthday" from "the Fan Club ".
Thanks too for all the holiday postcards sent to Cat and myself.
There are a few new items
this time. Dee Rider joins us this month to tell you about a visit she made to Cats.
The lyrics of Im Gonna Get Me A Gun are included and there is a form for
sending off your exclusive Cat T-shirt. Please remember to enclose a stamped addressed
envelope if you write with a query. Sorry to sound so mean, but as you know postage is a
nightmare, and I dont want the club to go bankrupt just yet.
Love to you all
NIGHT on Deram is the greatest and The Laughing Apple on the B side
makes it the perfect buy.
Cats handwritten letter in the May Pause? Well, the writer of either the
funniest or the letter which most touches my heart can have the original.
the May Why I go for Cat competition was very difficult as there were so many
original and witty entries. Eventually three were chosen:
- Carol Foster, won the first
prize of an L.P. record token.
- Loraine Knight, received the
E.P. token, which was the second prize.
- Rosalind Wilcox, came a
close third winning a single record token.

page 2
How would you like to try one of Cats favourite dishes? Here is the recipe, just
as Cat likes it, given to Pause by his mother.
First boil 1 LB of cod in
salted water and put aside 1/2 pint of the stock, which you will need for the lemon sauce.
Other ingredients for the sauce are:
- 2 oz butter, 1~ oz flour, the juice from 1
lemon, salt, pepper,
- 1 teaspoonful of sugar, I egg yolk and 2
tablespoonfuls of fresh cream.
Melt the butter in a pan,
blend in the flour carefully, do not let it brown. Add the stock, salt, pepper and sugar,
mix the egg yolk in the lemon juice and add to the rest of the mixture away from heat.
Blend in the cream. Pour over the fish and serve with boiled potatoes and peas. Serves
four. Bon Appetite
FLASHES... Cousins of Cats over from Sweden on a visit, went wild when
they saw his western gear, and left for home each sporting a black Stetson....Club
member 1323 Lynn Hartley from Middlebrough made news in the Northern Echo, when she, and
sisters Lynne and Maureen Wilmott, gave up a London Holiday to see Cat appear at
the Fiesta Club Stockton.... Cat changed his mind about taking a flat near Londons
Russell Square when the news leaked out, as the place was invaded before he even moved
in... The cowboy hat, which is the first prize in this months competition, was
acquired only after a long vigil, as Daniel, Cats threeyear-old nephew, took a
fancy to it, bagged it and practically slept in it for three weeks. Happily he grew tired
of it and it could be sneaked away... Cats sister, Anita, who is at University in
Vienna, is over for a visit... Cat has fan mail from Japan, Yugoslavia and Iceland....
PHOTO OFFER of 10 in x 8 in block and white signed glossies of the Mexican pic of
Cat on page 8. It you would like one, just send a postal order for 2. 6d. made payable to
the fan club. Postage is inclusive.
DIARY.... Cat is on holiday for most of August taking an overdue rest, except
for: 2nd 6th August when he will be touring Ireland.

page 3
FUNNY FACE and win one of the following treasures:
1st prize Cats
black cowboy hat of Im Gonna Get Me A Gun
2nd prize The white
cotton sailor trousers Cat wore at the Albert Hall for the Aberfan Charity Concert.
3rd prize - A favourite
African print tie of Cats, specially made for him by a boutique.
Just draw a face in one of
the circles below. The extra circles are allowed for mistakes, three tries, or a
composition. In fact, any thing at all that you like.. One has been filled in below to
give you an idea.
Complete the form with your
name, address, age and membership number, and send it to:
FUNNY FACE Competition,
245 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2, to arrive not later than the 31st August. Cat will
judge the entries and the winners -are to be announced in the next news letter.

page 4
Words and music by Cat Stevens.
Copyright Cat Music Ltd.
- Ive been demoralized too many times
- But now I realise
- 0h I know more:
- Im gonna get me a gun,
- Im gonna get me a gun.
- And those people who put me down had better
get ready to run
- Cos Im gonna get me a gun.
- I know my destiny its like a sun
- Youll see the best of me
- When I have got my gun.
- So you think you can push me around
- And make me run.
- Well Im gonna tell you now,
- Gonna get me a gun,
- Gonna get me a gun
- Page 5 was not placed up on
the site to protect the privacy of the penpal exchange participants.

page 6
by Dee Rider
My appointment to meet Cat
Stevens was at one oclock, but he wasnt in, so I wandered around the
British Museum for about an hour staring at the mummies and stamps and things.
Bang on two, I was at his
flat door again, feeling sure he was in this time as I could hear a piano playing. I
didnt know what to expect as I had only been hastily introduced to him in the street
as he was being whisked by boundertype people in a large car. So there I was
knocking on his door and hoping I looked okay in my latest Biba gear and trying not to be
put off by the furious barking of a dog from inside.
The door was suddenly
opened by Peter James, Cats friend, and I was ushered in. A dear little dog
answering to Pepe, yapped around my ankles, but she soon stopped when I petted her, and
was tolling over on her back, waving little legs and asking for more.
There, in a large room was
Cat, pounding away at. a beautiful baby grand piano. The tune was completely unknown to
me, in fact folks, I was witnessing Cat Stevens composing. He broke off and apologized for
not being in earlier. I said that heavens it didnt matter, I understood how busy he
must be. He started to play again, this time Matthew and Son, grinning over
his shoulder at me be said, recognise this? I sat back and listened.
The room, quite honestly,
was in a mess. His guitar was propped against the television, magazines, books (a volume
of Shakespeare and a Gerald Scarfe cartoon book, amongst others), a tape recorder and all
its expensive gear and stage clothes were all over the place.
Cat himself looked great, wearing white
trousers, a pale blue silk shirt and multicolored tie, his dark head bent in concentration
over the keyboard. He finished playing and went straight over to a record player and put
on a batch of mostly classical Lp's.
- Fantasy Ring
Volume I
- Fantasy Ring
Volume II
- Fantasy Ring
Volume III