Qizlo's Yusuf Islam California Lecture
photographs are courtesy of Cat Stevens fan, Mike Valenzuela (Qizlo). He attended the
Yusuf Islam lecture in the UCLA on May 23,2000 along with other Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam
"I hope you enjoy
the photos. It's amazing how youthful Yusuf looks for his years. Yusuf is certainly an
inspiration. I think it's great that he's come to terms with his past. :0)"

Yusuf met
with us Cat fans outside the lecture hall. He was so friendly. Apparently he wanted to
meet his old fans, so he arranged for the meeting before the lecture. I certainly didn't
expect to shake hands with him, let alone have him talk to me! It was one of several
pleasant surprises. |

Yusuf is
answering my question about extra terrestials on stage. That one must have been a real
beard scratcher. <g> Notice the white shoes he's wearing. Quite a few people
commented about them. He's still a snazzy dresser, I guess. Of course, muslims generally
wear loose clothing to make it easier to perform salaat, the ritual prayers. |