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Letter from Yusuf Islam

This letter comes Courtesy of A'isha Alnahar. Many of you may know Catherine as Aun1 in any of the chatrooms or messageboards, or under her adopted muslim name A'isha. But before she converted to Islam, she wrote to Yusuf on several occassion. This is a reply letter she recieved from Yusuf in Late 1988, which he talks about trying to get funding for his Islamia School.

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14th October, 1988
Our Ref CG
Catherine M Harmon

Dear Catherine, 

Thank you for your interesting letter. I hope that this finds you and your family well, by the grace of God. My family is well, thanks be to God. The three older children (girls) are in School, the other two are at home. - -

The School seems well on the way to getting Government recognition now after years stalling by the Local Authorities. Next week we are looking forward to have the school’s Planning Application passed – this will allow us to expand to a size sufficient for the Government to give the School recognition and a right to claim 80% alded status. It will be a major break-through for the Muslim community if the Government does give the School this recognition (which Is called Voluntary-aided status).

Thank you for your suggestion about writing books. In fact there is a dearth of good reading material for Muslims kids on their own faith. Unfortunately, 1 do not have the time to get involved in this area, but I am trying to Interest people who know to be good children’s writers to take an interest - God Willing something will come of it.

I am that I cannot reply to all points you raise in your letter, but I am very busy and I am preparing to go abroad in a few days time on business. –

Yours Sincerely,

 Yusuf Islam


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Site Creator - Christine Chenevey   
Special Thanks To:   Jill Mallow, *Keith Balaam, George Brown, Linda Crafar, Bruce Lawrie, DJ Illingworth, Gerardo Roman, Chris & Annie Abrams, Patricia Squillari, Harry Schmieder, Sue Vukson and all who have contributed either with material or support to help make Majicat magical.
* This site is dedicated in the memory of Keith Balaam. ---<----<----@